Our Research

Here you will find our latest research and insights into technology trends and they change human dynamics and productivity as well as bring out our potential.

Fintech: Financial Inclusion for the Tough Times Ahead

The increased cost of living affects people who not only lack financial means but struggle to access money.

Fintech: Current Trends and Potential Future Developments

There is no doubt that the pace of change in today’s business is both dramatic and disruptive. In some cases, coronavirus has played a role in accelerating it.

How Can Croatia Use the Potential of AI Wisely?

If Croatia looked at the broader AI picture (much more comprehensive than the focus on the EU), it would have a far better chance of success and...

Decision-making Risks Slow Down the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Business

The adoption of artificial intelligence promises to bring large benefits to businesses. However, when something goes wrong, all fingers point to the executive who...

How to make your AI pilot a success

Artificial intelligence has transformative potential – but where to begin? Get started with a systematic evaluation of the opportunities.

The case for White Box AI

There is no doubt that the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) can make our lives easier. However, the benefits of AI adoption are accompanied by many new problems.

AI for Good: The Case of Using the Technology for ESG

It is understandable that some people should be skeptical about artificial intelligence (AI) but there is no shortage of ways companies can use technologies not just to do good but also to...

Using AI to Screen, Search, and Structure Environmental, Social, and Governance Data

Investors face at least two challenges when making environmental, social, and governance (ESG) decisions. One is the discrepancy in definitions, scoring methodologies, and...

Five Steps for Companies to Make AI Pilots A Success

The pandemic has made the need for organisations to digitise and increase technology adoption even more urgent. More and more companies are turning to...

When Education Meets Blockchain and AI

In an era of machine meritocracy in which the rise of technological advancements will impact every aspect of our lives, we are on the brink of dramatic shifts across industries and...

Using AI to Achieve Environmental, Social and Governance Goals

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments have fast become an important area of interest. It was estimated that sustainable investments amounted to...

To Fight COVID-19, Governments Need to Rethink the Value of Information

As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology looks at the AI tools which have been used in the pandemic. Analytics from AI-enabled services and organizations can improve responsiveness towards outlying factors and unexpected externalities.

The Dumb Reason Your AI Project Will Fail

For all we hear about the wonders of AI, one critical factor is often left out: How do you actually integrate artificial intelligence into your business? The answer...

Four Reasons Why Your Business Isn’t Using AI

With all the hype around AI, one would think that just about every business would have adopted some form of it by now. The fact is that enterprise-scale AI is still largely out of reach...

Don’t Fall into the AI Doomsday Trap

If you’re one of the many who see a dark future where the honest working man is replaced by mindless structures of automated metal, where technology has become so advanced that ...

How Incomplete Privacy Laws Build Echo Chambers

Can we liberate and protect our digital usage? Or will a misguided attempt at policy response end up making it all the more confined?

Using Artificial Intelligence To Help Corporations Mine Their Own Data

“Even though there’s a lot of information available on the internet, it’s still true that more than ninety-percent of the world’s data is still in private hands—whether in private corporations or governments,”

AI and the Future of Lie Detection

"We live in a world now where we know how to lie. With advances in AI, it is very likely that we will soon live in a world where we know how to detect truth. The potential scope...

Forget AI. It Means Absolutely Nothing

Yes, you’ve read that correctly. You really should forget about ‘artificial intelligence’. Well, at least the term, as it is meaningless and often leads to confusion. It would, however, be unwise ...

To Govern AI, We Might Need to Use AI

Our lives are ruled by data. Not just because it informs companies of what we want, but because it helps us to remember and differentiate...

Designing a Roadmap to Ethical AI in Government

AI shows promise as a tool for supporting and strengthening doctors’ decision-making, but just as with doctors, if you give AI some power in decision making (along with the power of...

How to Start an AI Project in Your Business

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is alluring. But in its current incarnation, AI is nothing more than a tool. And like all business tools...

This Is What You Need to Know About AI

Recent studies on artificial intelligence-led unemployment certainly make uncomfortable reading. A frequently cited report points out that some 47 percent of jobs in the US ...

Investment, not debt, can kick-start an entrepreneurial Europe

A very important question that only a select group of people want to ask: what kind of a future will the next generations face? According to a recent study...

Building an entrepreneurial Europe and creating jobs

An important question that a few people want to ask: what kind of future will the next generations face?

Why Machines Will Not Replace Us

Lately, we have received quite a number of requests asking us to explain further why artificial intelligence (AI) and robots are unlikely to put humans out of work soon.

The Importance of Managing Both People and Robots

“The skill that managers need for tomorrow is not just managing people. They need to be able to manage both people and robots.” This may sound obvious to you...

Humans and AI: Rivals or Romance?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been developing at a frightening pace. It is debatable to what extent it has improved our lives...

Natural Language Processing and Affective Computing

What are the natural extensions of machine learning (ML) and deep learning as well as natural language processing (NLP) and affective computing (AC)?

What Is Machine Learning?

As part of our recent work, my fellow researchers and I realised that many people do not have a good idea of how technology will change our lives, yet are eager to know more.

Deep Learning and Neural Networks

Have you ever toyed with the idea of what machine learning actually does? If machine learning is a pack horse for information processing, a neural network is the carrot...

How Businesses Can Support a Circular Economy

Since the industrial revolution, we have been able to get away with relying on natural resources to raise our standard of living. But as these resources become scarcer and more...

Can Blockchain and AI Become Brothers-in-Arms?

These two technologies are still in their infancy but their respective potential is enormous. Now imagine a world where they work in unison...

Is AI Making Dangerous Decisions Without Us?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to take control of many aspects of our lives, but not enough is being done with regards to accountability for its consequences...